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    Lung Cancer : Some Incredible Ayurvedic Medicines


    Lung cancer can be an abnormal growth of air passage's epithelial cells linings  among heavy smokers and induced by mutation in DNA. It really is a typical medical condition and accountable for the most cancer associated deaths across the world.
    Corresponding to western medicine system, chemotherapy, radio-therapy and surgical treatment will be the ways to deal with most lung cancer. But in the case, cancer stage surpasses to metastasis, at that point, it  may be uncurable with ayurvedic medicines. Usage of natural herbs just helps  control the lung cancer (stop the metastasis of the most tumors) and improve the healthier life.

    Lung cancer is a dangerous disorder that may deliver fatality in ignored or unattended cases, so always see an onchologist for better management of lung cancer as Allopathic Doctors dependebly advised for Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy and Surgery. Ayurvedic treatment can be an advantageous solution for Lung cancer but always keep in mind that usage of herbs by itself will not works well.

    Types of lung cancers

    Lung cancer can be  labeled  into two major types which can be Non small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and Small cell lung cancer (SCLC).

    SCLC - small cell lung cancer - Approximately 10 -20% of lung cancers are of these kinds of cancer that will spread rapidly.

    NSCLC - non-small cell lung cancers - About 75 - 80% of lung malignancies are of these sorts of lung cancers and it's split or partitioned into four as, Squamous cell carcinoma, Bronchioalveolar carcinoma, Adenocarcinoma,  and Large- cell undifferentiated Carcinoma.

    Signs And Symptoms Of Lung Cancer

    Severe shoulder pain or pain in the chest that often annoyed through deep breathing, coughing and even laughing.
    Persistent cough, breathlessness, shortness of breath,  wheezing or harshing sounds may additionally appear in course of respiration.
    Coughing up blood  in the sputum.
    Repeated or Recurrent lung infections such as bronchitis or pneumonia.
    Myesthenia gravis - Muscle wasting, general weakness, and unexplained weight reduction.
    Collapsed lung in some cases.
    Enlarged lymph nodes in the neck.
    Difficulty swallowing - chewing and swallowing of food additionally will become quite difficult.
    Loss of appetite and Fatigue.
    Facial swelling.
    Headache, Giddiness,  joint pain and numbness of limbs.
    Hoarseness of voice credited to  paralysed vocal cord.
    Yellow coloring of the skin and the eyes scheduled to jaundice or enlargement of liver.
    Faded skin glow and Clubbing of nails.

    Causes, Triggers and Risk factors of Lung Cancer

    An age group over 65 - Genetic or Hereditary changes seen with old age.
    A family history of lung malignancies and past lung infections.
    Surviving in exceptionally contaminated or polluted area.
    Poor immunity strength.
    Chewing tobacco.
    Usage of Estrogen or Progesteron (Hormonal drugs) in women cases.

    Excess Smoking of  Cigarettes, Biri, Tobacco, Marijuana including passive or second hand smoking.


    Air  pollution,industrial hazards  and other chemical exposures such as Asbestos fibres, Minerals -  Silicosis, Berylliosis, Beryllium, Vinyl chloride, Nickel, chromates, Sewer gas,radon gases,   Vinegar, Carbon Monoxide, Menthanol, Paint, Toilet cleaner, Nicotine, Insecticides, Industrial solvents,coke, uranium, Cadmium of batteries, lighter liquid,  Coal dusts, arsenic, phosphates, fine dust particles of cotton, stone dust, pollen Fuel fumes and Radiation  etc.

    Medical Diagnosis of Lung cancer

    Chest X-rays
    CT scan/ spiral CT scans - CT scanning of the chest may detect early lung cancer
    Sputum cytological examination.
    Lung profusion scan – With the assistance of this examination the physician can determine the spread of this cancer.

    Diet regimens & Lifestyle Advice

    Make an effort to avoid infection in any situation.

    Keep an eye on your blood pressure in case of hypertension.

    Always keep up  an ideal body weight and try to get complete bed rest.

    Do not sleep in day time although take sufficient sleep at night time for better health.

    Vitamins B6, A, C, E, Iron, Selenium, Zinc or folate may additionally assist to bring down the risk of lung cancer, fight with infection and tweaks cancer-cell expansion.

    Try to consume Cruciferous vegetables, such as cabbage,  cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, kale, and broccoli in increased amount because they contain cancer-killing properties and protects  against the advancement of lung cancer.

    Mild Body Massage has a well worth regarding Lung cancer.

    Vitamin D may additionally help in early stage of lung cancer. For this reason, sun-bath is an all natural way to acquiring of Vitamin D.

    Hot pack should be entertained in the condition of chest pain.

    As per distinctive medical reports, cigarettes smoking  is an established and well known reason behind most of lung cancer and the death rate (due to lung cancer) amongst substantial smokers is ten times that of non smokers. The occurence decreases the more drawn out the period subsequent   to quittting cigarette smoking. So, live smoking free life.

    Always make a proper distance from alcohol or liquor consumption.

    Always in take adequate fresh fruits, whole grain and green leafy vegetables.

    Panchkarma therapy should be followed.

    Always consume food ingredients like raisins, pulse, drumstick leaves,squashes, gooseberry, oranges, capsicum, pumpkin, and olive oil, carrot, pomegranates, berries etc. because they are natural cancer fighting agent and boosts immunity.

    Nourishments should be abundant with Vitamin B, Vitamin C, protein, flavanoids and antioxidants to help battle  free radicals and reduce symptoms concerned to lung cancer.

    Keep away from excessive consumption of fried foods, sugar, trans fats, caffeine, canned foods, refined foods and white flour.

    Gentle exercise is all around proposed and  Yogic activities like surya namaskar, bhujangasan, naukasan,  pranayama and meditation, are highly advocated for relaxation of the mind and increasing mental stability.

    Counseling, emotional and family support is well required in some of the cases.

    Classical Ayurvedic medicines to treat lung cancer -

    Ayurvedic Ras formulations - Lakshmi vilas Ras,  Vasant-Kusumakar Ras, Ras Sindhoor, Suvarna-Sameerpannag-Ras, Hema-Garbha-Ras,Chaturbhuj-Ras

    Ayurvedic Powders -  Karpuradi-Churna, Sitopaladi-Churna, Talisadi-Churna.

    Ayurvedic Avleha - Draksha avaleha, Vasavaleha, Chyavanprash avaleha, Kantakari-Avaleha, Haritaki-Avaleha

    Ayurvedic Bhasmas - Abhrak Bhasma, Tamara Bhasma, Suvarna Bhasma, Hirak bhasma

    Kachnaar Guggal,Dashmooladi-Ghrut, Suvarna-Malini-Vasant, Madhu-Malini-Vasant, Maha-Manjisthadi-Qadha, Bhallatak-Asava etc.

    Ayurvedic treatment for Lung Cancer

    According to Ayurveda the primary treatment of lung cancer include Palliative therapy, chemotherapy,  surgery and radiation therapy and Ayurvedic medicine is taken as supplementary treatment to help prevent cancer.

    Haldi - Turmeric - Curcuma longa

    Kantakari -Yellow-fruit nightshade -  Solanum xanthocarpum.

    Brihati - Poison Berry  - Solanum indicum.

    Vasa -Malabar Nut- Adhatoda vasaka/Justicia adhatoda

    Yashtimadhuk - Liquorice - Glycyrrhiza glabra

    Pippali -Long pepper - Piper longum

    Behada - Bastard myrobalan - Terminalia bellerica

    Bharangi - Blue glory - Clerodendron serratum

    Common ivy - Hedera helix

    Black-caraway/ Black - cumin - Nigella sativa

    Kushtha - Kut Root - Saussurea lappa

    Dhatura -  devil's trumpets - Datura fastuosa

    Green tea - Camellia sinensis

    Giloy - Heart-leaved moonseed - Tinospora cordifolia

    Arjuna - Terminalia arjuna

    Zafran - Saffron - Autumn Crocus

    Kale leaves - green cabbage - Brassica oleracea

    Lemon -  Citrus limon

    Khubani - Apricot - Prunus armeniaca

    Vanshalochan - Bamboo manna -  Bambusa arundinacea

    Ginger Root - Zingiber officinale

    Aloe Vera -  Aloe Barbadensis

    Barberry - Berberis vulgaris

    Eucalyptus - Eucalyptus globulus

    Lungwort - Pulmonaria officinalis

    Oregano -Origanum vulgare

    Plantain Leaf - Plantago - Plantago lanceolata

    Pudina - Peppermint - Mentha piperita

    Chuchupate - Osha Root -  Ligusticum porteri

    Onion - allium cepa

    Dandelion - robust weeds - Taraxacum officinale

    Foxglove - Digitalis purpurea

    Lakshmana phala - Graviola - Anona Muricata

    Mistletoe - viscum album

    Milk Thistle - silybum eburneum or silybum marianum

    Clove - Syzygium aromaticum

    Red Clover - Cowgrass - Trifolium pratense

    Sweet fern - Artemisia Annua

    Tulsi - Basil - Ocimum basilicum

    Bloodroot- Boloroot - Sanguinaria canadensis

    Butcher's broom - Ruscus aculeatus

    Cat's Claw - Uncaria tomentosa

    Purple coneflower - Echinacea purpurea

    Chaparral   -Greasewood- Larrea mexicana

    Blueberries - Vaccinium

    Shatmuli -  wild asparagus - Asparagus racemosus

    Garlic - camphor of the poor - Allium sativum

    Grape seed - Vitis vinifera

    Carrots - Daucus carota

    Asian ginseng - Tartar root - Panax quinquefolius

    Pushkarmool / ‎Pohkarmool - Inula racemosa

    Ashwagandha - Rennet - Withania somnifera



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    Rajesh kumar is a passionate writer and main author / founder of this blog. He has already completed their B.A.M.S. from Ayurveda and written various articles on topics involved to ayurvedic treatment for men and women health. He invariably creates useful, informative, and interesting articles on health-related problems and therefore the use of herbs.If you need to discover how to stay a healthier life, keep reading this blog!

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