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    Mint Pudina:Types, Health Benefits & Side effects


    Pudina (mint leaves) is a popular, perennial and fast-growing

     natural herb that can be used fresh or dried out for culinary

     purposes in many dishes/ recipes, including curries, soups, 

    chutneys, salads, juices, drinks, refreshments, chocolate, ice 

    creams and so on. Mint oil is often used in toothpaste, 

    breath fresheners, antiseptic mouth rinses, chewing-gum, 

    candy, desserts, insecticides/pesticides (ants, hornets,

     cockroaches, wasps, etc.), and cosmetics. Mint grows upto 

    a height of 10 to 110 cm near  rivers, lakes, and water - 

    pools around all time and almost all over the world.

    Nutritional worth of Mint -

    Mint is employed to deal with different sorts of diseases and packed with different phytonutrients, vitamins, antioxidants like Protein, Carbohydrate, Iron , Manganese, Folate, Phosphorus, Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium, Fat, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Riboflavin, Vitamin B-6, Vitamin K, Dietary fibers, Phytosteron, Phenolic acids, Omega-6 fatty acids, Omega-3 fatty acids, Triterpenes, Saponins, Carotenoids, Beta carotene, Anthocyanins, Flanovoid, etc.

    Types or Species of Mint (Pudina)

    Mint leaves have a  aromatic fragrance and a variety of different types (around 15 to 20 plant species) are located, including peppermint and spearmint.

    Some of are following -

    Mentha aquatica.

    Mentha canadensis.

    Mentha citrata.

    Mentha arvensis.

    Mentha asiatica.

    Mentha australis.

    Mentha diemenica.

    Mentha cervina.

    Mentha laxiflora.

    Mentha crispata.

    Mentha dahurica.

    Mentha suaveolens.

    Mentha satureioides.

    Mentha requienii.

    Mentha vagans.

    Mentha pulegium.

    Mentha piperita.

    Mentha sachalinensis.

    Mentha longifolia / Mentha sylvestris.

    Mentha spicata / Mentha viridis / Mentha cordifolia.

    Sources -

    What are the side effects of mint leaves?

    Regarding gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), should never be used Mint, since it could worsen the condition.

    Avoid mint-tea during pregnancy period because it can cause miscarriage and also stay away from in breast-feeding.

    Consumption of Mint leaves or Peppermint oil in large doses can be toxic. Pure menthol is also toxic. 

    In the event that you experience any adverse effects then see your ayurvedic physician immediately.

    Keep away from Mint or Mentha, if you are suffering to Gall-stone

    Or contact your doctor prior to using it as a precaution.

    Health benefits associated with Pudina (Mint)

    Mint is a key remedy for Gastro-intestinal diseases

    Mint is a great appetizer, carminitive, calming and soothing home remedy that used in upset stomach, indigestion, stomach ache, stomach cramps, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, hiccups, acidity, flatulence, bloating, and gas problems. It increase bile secretion (flow of digestive fluids). It's a far notable medicine to deal with Irritable bowel syndrome. It soothes the stomach-ache or discomfort instantly in the conditions of IBS and prevent farting.
    Mint performs an important role in preventing against hyperacidity, peptic ulcers associated with excessive alcohol consumption and regular use of NSAIDs like Indomethacin, Paracitamol, Ibuprofen etc. since it help protect the lining of the stomach.

    Mint leaves used for Oral hygiene -

    Mint leaves has anti-bacterial properties which is capable 

    to fight against harmful bacteria in the mouth. So, they are

     genuinely good for oral hygiene. It really is a natural mouth

     fresheners and chewing of Mint leaves is also best for 

    dental health. Mint leaf is an ideal bad smell remover and

     freshens up breathing.

    Mint leaves and Skin diseases -

    Mint leaves often used in the cases of insect bites, rash or other reactions. Topical or external application in the form of paste, ointement, lotion, or oil may be beneficial in such types of instances. 

    Mint leaves can also be used as a natural insect repellent.

    Mint leaves contain vitamin E and D, which are incredibly good for keeping healthy skin. 

    It really is a favorite home remedy for treating acne and pimples. For getting rid of pimples, should be make a paste of mint leaves with rose water and apply on effected part.

    Mint can be an Immune booster

    Using of Mint leaves may improve body's immune system to fight and prevent from different infections and diseases into the body.

    Mint is a cough reliever

    Mint is an outstanding expectorant that helps in expulsion of phlegm from the lungs in productive cough and open up nasal passages and airways if any one is expriencing nasal congestion.

    Mint is a blood cleanser -

    Mint is a very good blood purifier that helps in removal of toxins from your body.

    Body aches and pain reliever

    An active ingredient in pain balm is composed with mint extracts that helps in reducing the body-aches.

    Helps fight most of cancer -

    Mint has the functionality to fight and prevent different types of cancers like skin cancer, lung cancer, intestinal cancer etc.

    Mint is a really perfect home remedy to burn excessive accumulated fat in the body and can help lose weight. 

    Other than this, Mint is also helpful in reducing blood pressure and blood cholesterol too. 



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    Rajesh kumar is a passionate writer and main author / founder of this blog. He has already completed their B.A.M.S. from Ayurveda and written various articles on topics involved to ayurvedic treatment for men and women health. He invariably creates useful, informative, and interesting articles on health-related problems and therefore the use of herbs.If you need to discover how to stay a healthier life, keep reading this blog!

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